Criminal Defense For Sex Crimes in Palm Spring, Indio, and the Coachella Valley
Sex crimes carry great consequences. We can help you fight false allegations.
It is in this area of law that the greatest number of false allegations are made, which results in the greatest number of wrongful convictions. This is especially frightening because sex crimes also carry the greatest consequences of any crimes because of the sheer number of life allegations that the prosecution can draw from in the penal code, and because sex crimes result in lifetime registration as a sex offender.
We have the experience to help you.
Forest Wilkerson and Joshua Mulligan are criminal defense lawyers skilled in defending any sex crime allegation, and have handled many cases involving child molestation, indecent exposure, rape, sodomy and more. They have extensively researched false allegations, false confessions, child suggestibility, and propensity issues related to allegation of rape and child molestation. They have also worked with many experts in various areas to defend their clients, resulting in the knowledge and contacts to defend any case. They have used creative defenses, including psychological evaluations to show that their clients did not have the profile of a pedophile. They have had great results in handling these cases, from not-guilty verdicts, to reduced charges without sex offender registration, to probation, to simply achieving determinate sentencing (not life) where it seemed impossible.
Wilkerson & Mulligan fight hard to minimize “collateral” consequences of being charged with or convicted of a sex crime or child molest. For example, the California Department of Justice will attempt to take professional licenses from people charged with sex crimes. This includes licenses related to the practice of medicine or security guard cards. They have successfully fought these motions from the DOJ and protected their clients’ jobs. Two other common problems are sex registration and sex offender residency requirements. Both involve complicated laws that apply differently to different categories of crimes. A skilled defense attorney may be able to help you stay in your current home or keep your picture off the internet sex offender database.