Criminal Defense For Drug Crimes in the Coachella Valley
You deserve a treatment program—not a sentence.
Forest Wilkerson and Joshua Mulligan have handled hundreds, if not thousands of drug cases, ranging from possession of marijuana to major drug dealing. Forest and Josh have consistently been able to achieve treatment program instead of jail for their clients and have achieved acquittals for their clients in the most unbeatable of circumstances.
Forest and Josh take a holistic approach to defending drug cases.
Whenever possible, our first step is to get the client into an appropriate drug program. In some cases, Judges will release people from jail after an appropriate drug treatment placement is arranged for the defendant. Drug programs can sometimes even be used to produce evidence for trial – for example, to show that the client is merely a user of drugs when charged with drug sales.
Forest and Josh work with a dedicated area “interventionist” and drug expert to understand the root issues that plague addicts or simply that entice the occasional user. He has helped them understand the depths of addiction and the effects of addiction and they work with him to find the best programs that will satisfy the courts and solve the underlying issues so that a person’s life is not destroyed by addiction or experimentation.